Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A beginner's guide to the sea | All the scrolls have been read | 40
Admiral | 100 gold stars collected! | 100
Bounty Hunter | All coins collected on 5 levels! | 20
Bowline | 5 levels completed with a successful knot challenge! | 20
Break on through | Passed through 4 rocks with the red anchor! | 50
Captain | 50 gold stars collected! | 100
Evicted Fish | The Housekeeper has been caught! | 50
Fisherman of the year | 100,000 points earned | 100
Full Speed Ahead! | 5 levels completed within the set time! | 20
Golden HouseKeeper | All stars in the Housekeeper levels collected! | 100
Golden Waspfish | All stars in the Waspfish levels collected! | 100
Guided by the stars | 2 consecutive levels completed with 3 stars! | 10
Kebab | 2 eels destroyed with the red anchor! | 50
Lieutenant | 30 gold stars collected! | 50
Ride of the Valkiries | Fish caught during a jellyfish attack! | 50
Sailor | Gold star collected | 10
Ship Mate | 10 gold stars collected! | 30
Sniper Fish | Perfect Mode completed! | 50
Undersea Bee Hive | The Waspfish has been caught! | 50