| MORTAL KOMBAT (SNES) Glitched Finishing Guide v 1.0 |
(c) copyright Remi Marois 2004 - sephiroth1234@hotmail.com
I. Informations
II. Scorpion's glitched finishing move
III. Sub-Zero's glitched finishing move
IV. Liu Kang's glitched finishing move
V. Sonya's glitched finishing move
I. Informations
This guide is for private and personal use only. It is not
to be used for any profitable or promotional purposes. Use
of this guide on any webpage may only be granted by my
permission. All the informations written in this guide is
the result of several hours of game play and a lot of work
to figure out how to produce a glitched finishing move.
This guide only apply to the Super Nintendo Entertainement
System version of the game.
II. Scorpion
As soon as you hear the "Finish him! / finish her!" message,
throw your opponent by pressing "low punch" (close to him),
then quickly press "up" twice to perform Scorpion's finishing
move. The opponent will burn while he's still on the ground!
III. Sub-Zero
It's possible to kill your opponent by freezing him. Just do
uppercuts and throwings until your opponent's life meter is
99% empty, then freeze him. Enter Sub-Zero's finishing move
(foward, down, foward, high punch) to create a clone of your
opponent! Practice yourself by playing alone in the 2 players
mode, it's by far the easiest way to perform it.
IV. Liu Kang
At the finishing time, wait to the very last second and
enter Liu Kang's finishing move (whole circle) . Your opponent
is going to fall by himself just before you hit him! Do it on
the pit stage to create a bigger effect.
V. Sonya
Just like the Scorpion's finishing move, you can enter her
finishing move (foward, foward, foward, back, back, block)
while she is throwing your opponent. But you wont be able to
do it if you throw him only by pressing low punch, so you'll
have to perform her LEG GRAB special move (low punch + low
kick + down + block) instead.