Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
50 More To Go | Survive for two years without losing.
Adulting | Purchase five unique items in one game.
All Grown Up | Buy your first item.
All That Schoolin' Paid Off! | Start your first job.
And I Could Walk 500 Miles | Walk for 500 seconds in one game.
Buy Somethin' Will Ya? | Hoard $100,000 in Cash in one game.
Cookie Monster | Buy 100 cookie jars in one game.
Definitely Not A Hoarder | Purchase twenty unique items in one game.
Did You Buy A Present? | (Secret)
Did You Go AFK? | (Secret)
Frivolous Spender | Purchase twenty-five unique items in one game.
Gotta Get 'Em All | Purchase all thirty-five items in one game.
Happy Anniversary! | Survive for one year without losing.
Hardly A Spender | Hoard $50,000 in Cash in one game.
Indecisiveness | Start ten jobs in one game.
It's Not An Addiction, I Swear! | Spend $1000 on lottery scratch cards.
Know-It-All | Buy all education talents in one game.
Mandatory Holiday | (Secret)
Maybe The Problem Is You | Get fired from 10 jobs in one game.
Midlife Existential Crisis | Get fired from 20 jobs in one game.
Modest Pile of Property | Purchase ten unique items in one game.
Moneybanks McGee | Make $1,000,000 in Cash in one game.
Old Geezer | Survive for five years without losing.
Scrooge'd | (Secret)
Sleeping On Money | Make $250,000 in Cash in one game.
Smarty Pants | Buy basic education.
So Retirement Was When? | Survive for three years without losing.
Starting Small | Become a streamer.
Thank God For Calluses | Spend $5000 on lottery scratch cards.
The House Looks... Nice? | Purchase fifteen unique items in one game.
Time Lord | Buy 30 Grandfather Clocks in one game.
Why Pay Now? | Finance your first item.
Worthy Viewer of Viewingne | Watch the credits until the end.
You Have A Problem | Purchase thirty unique items in one game.
You're One of THOSE Guys | Try to finance more than six items at once.
You're still playing? | Survive for four years without losing.