Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
A Charming Place | Decked the world in clover. | Silver
Acceptance | Earn all Trophies | Platinum
Acknowledgement | Healed the Turtle. | Gold
Clever Confidante | Revealed the Fox Totem | Gold
Feathered Friend | Pet the Bird. | Silver
Fun with Fungi | Made Mushroom magic. | Silver
Graceful Companion | Revealed the Swan Totem | Gold
Honesty | Healed the Fox. | Gold
Humility | Healed the Swan. | Gold
Letting Go | Healed the Bear. | Gold
Queen's Pleasure | Brought blossoms to the Fox. | Silver
Remember and Rebuild | Rebuilt the Turtle Terrarium | Bronze
Shy Friend | Revealed the Turtle Totem | Gold
Star Crossed | Untangled one of Bird's memories. | Bronze
Strong Partner | Revealed the Bear Totem | Gold
That's Amore | Listened to the Moon's call. | Gold
Welcome to my Pad | Gave the frogs a home. | Silver