Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A DIFFICULT CHOICE (secret) | Episode II - OBEY Finished | 100
ARACHNOPHOBIA | Kill 10 Spiders in mercenaries mode | 50
BLOOD BROTHERS (secret) | Episode X - SUNRISE Finished | 100
GOOD FATHER (secret) | Episode VII - RUNAWAY Finished | 100
MISSION COMPLETED | Finish one mission in mercenaries mode | 100
NO SOLUTION (secret) | Episode IX - PEACE Finished | 100
NOT A HERO (secret) | Subject zero is dead | 100
NOT OVER | Unlock the story 28 days before | 50
READY FOR THE MISSION | Finish the trainning | 50
REST IN PEACE (secret) | Episode IV - HOPE Finished | 100
SUPER SOLDIER | Reach the maximum level (lvl40) | 100
THANK YOU DEAR PLAYER (secret) | You watched credits without being forced | 50