Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Beat the Game | Finish the game | 90
Completed the Chambers | Beat all Chambers stages | 90
Completed the Dungeon | Beat all Dungeon stages | 90
Completed the Factory | Beat all Factory stages | 90
Completed the Library | Beat all Library stages | 90
Completed the Warehouse | Beat all Warehouse stages | 90
Got the Magic Flag | Get the Magic Flag artifact | 15
Met the Fleye | Play a stage where there's a Fleye | 60
Met the Slime | Play a stage where there's a Slime | 30
Met the Zombie | lay a stage where there's a Zombie | 15
Reached the Chambers | Reach the game's last world | 90
Reached the Factory | Reach the game's second world | 15
Reached the Library | Reach the game's fourth world | 30
Reached the Warehouse | Reach the game's third world | 30
Talked to Jess | Talk to Jess for the first time | 15
Talked to Kim | Talk to Keen's Kim | 30
Talked to Racketboy | Talk to the Racketboy himself | 30
Talked to Rubick | Talk to Möira's Rubick | 30
Talked to the Hero | Talk to Lenda do Herói's Hero | 30
Talked to the Warlock | Talk to the Evil Warlock for the first time | 10
Talked to Todd Torial | Talk to Puzzle Depot's Todd Torial | 30