Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Avoid those coins (Bronze) | Run 15 seconds without collecting coins in a single run.
Bananas? (Bronze) | Collect your first fruit.
Can't get enough, no! (Silver) | Score 10000 points.
Clean your room! (Bronze) | Collect 50 coins using vaacum in a single run.
Dive down! (Bronze) | Roll 50 times in a single run.
Don't go down! (Bronze) | Run 25 seconds without rolling in a single run.
Don't move! (Bronze) | Stay in the same line for 25 seconds in a single run.
Don't touch it! (Bronze) | Run 25 seconds without collecting coins in a single run.
Drone attack (Bronze) | Kill 250 enemies by jumping.
Earthworm (Bronze) | Roll 250 times.
Fallen from the sky (Bronze) | Kill 15 enemies by jumping in a single run.
Feel the ground! (Bronze) | Roll 100 times in a single run.
Foot on the ground! (Bronze) | Run 15 seconds without jumping in a single run.
Fruit Basket (Bronze) | Collect 50 fruits.
Get some more! (Bronze) | Score 5000 points in a single run.
Getting started... (Bronze) | Score 2500 points in a single run.
Gimme more... (Bronze) | Play over 100 number of games.
Give me an "A"! (Bronze) | Collect your first letter.
Give me an "E"! (Bronze) | Collect 50 letters.
Got some change? (Bronze) | Collect 250 coins in a single run.
Habitual offender (Bronze) | Hit 250 enemies by rolling.
Happy little saver! (Bronze) | Collect 2500 coins.
Head jump (Bronze) | Kill 25 enemies by jumping in a single run.
Hey big spender! (Bronze) | Collect 5000 coins.
Hold your breath! (Silver) | Last for 120 seconds in a single run.
I need more! (Gold) | Score 25000 points.
It only has begun. (Bronze) | Play over 50 number of games.
Jump around, Jump around (Bronze) | Jump 100 times in a single run.
Jumping for Joy! (Bronze) | Jump 250 times.
Just do it (Bronze) | Jump 50 times in a single run.
Just Peanuts... (Bronze) | Collect 500 coins in a single run.
Keep your head up high! (Bronze) | Run 15 seconds without rolling in a single run.
Left or right? (Bronze) | Swap lane 50 times in a single run.
Marathon man (Gold) | Run for 5000 meters.
Offender (Bronze) | Hit 50 enemies by rolling in a single run.
On my way to the stars (Bronze) | Swap lane 500 times.
Ouch! (Bronze) | Die 50 times.
Paratrooper (Bronze) | Kill 100 enemies by jumping.
R.I.P. (Bronze) | Die 150 times.
Rock'n Rolla (Bronze) | Roll 500 times.
Rolling rolling rolling (Bronze) | Hit 25 enemies by rolling in a single run.
Runner maniac! (Platinum) | Collect all trophy for Ultimate runner!
Running for Joy! (Silver) | Run for 2500 meters.
Serial offender (Bronze) | Hit 500 enemies by rolling.
So lazy... (Bronze) | Stay in the same line for 15 seconds in a single run.
Stay grounded! (Bronze) | Run 25 seconds without jumping in a single run.
Stiff knees (Bronze) | Run for 250 meters in a single run.
Suck on this! (Bronze) | Collect 100 coins using vaacum in a single run.
Time after time (Gold) | Last for 240 seconds in a single run.
Trip to the country! (Bronze) | Swap lane 250 times.
Warm-up exercise (Bronze) | Run for 500 meters in a single run.
Watch your ankles! (Bronze) | Jump 500 times.
Wind of Change (Bronze) | Swap lane 100 times in a single run.