Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
A banner tale (15 points) | Steal a Roman banner.
Band of Brothers (15 points) | Let Scipio honor the death of a soldier.
Contempt (15 points) | Question Scipio's orders.
Deer Hunter (15 points) | Let Ambo lead a suicide mission.
Entrepeneur (15 points) | Let the merchants enter Numantia.
Errare Humanum Est (15 points) | Execute Corvinus.
Fever (15 points) | Spent a night in company.
Lack of Authority (15 points) | Ignore Corvinus' insubordination.
Liberatio (15 points) | Let Corvinus escape.
Mercy (15 points) | Let Avaros escape.
Missive (15 points) | Write a letter for Asellius.
Now, write it out a hundred times (25 points) | Choose the right answer.
Prometheus (15 points) | Refuse a sacrifice to the gods.
The Horseman on the Pale Horse (15 points) | Foresee the fate of Rhetogenes..
The Warrior (15 points) | Let Leuco lead a suicide mission.
The Wolf of War (15 points) | Foresee the fate of Megara.
Treachery (15 points) | Execute Avaros.
Urgent Mail (15 points) | Write a letter for Corvinus.
Warriors (15 points) | Let the warriors enter Numantia.
Wooden Swords (15 points) | Teach Megara and Rhetogenes a lesson.