Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Baozi Delivery (50 points) | Feed the Preta and escape back to the real world.
Cursed (150 points) | Collect all the collectable items.
Hide and seek (50 points) | Hide in the Dragon's Jar. The tradition of some Thai's Ghost Movie.
Hide in the box (50 points) | Acquire Cherry's ID card from her locker instead of making one.
I will find my place (150 points) | Collect all Jane's diary.
Love means something (50 points) | Witness the final tragic moment of Belle and Shane. Everything should end here.
Paperwork (50 points) | Successfully create your own ID card instead of finding one.
She belongs to me (150 points) | Collect all parts of ripped photos.
Somewhere it should belong to (50 points) | Collect a part of ripped photos.
Wake up baby (50 points) | Escape to the house. Our only lovely home.
Wherever you go (200 points) | Finish the outro. Where it is not the end yet.