Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A totem full of boxes | Get on the top of 4 boxes | 50
All duct taped up | Capture the enemy tape 10 times | 75
Been there, done that | Win 5 matches on each game mode | 200
Box? Box? BOOOOOOXXXX! | Die for the first time | 10
Don't bring a gun to a box cutter fight | Kill 10 boxes with the box cutter | 90
Polverine | Regenerate to full health 10 times | 50
Recycled | Meet the Shredder | 20
Same attack never works twice | Get 5 revenge kills | 75
The Agent | Kill a total of 47 boxes | 50
The Apprentice | Win one match on each game mode | 80
The Assassin | Kill a total of 91 boxes | 100
The box, the box, the box is on fire! | Get a 4 killstreak 10 times | 150
This box is on fire! | Get a 4 killstreak | 50