Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Armored! (30 points) | Bought some armor.
Battle Tested (70 points) | Play over 100 levels!
Blessed (35 points) | Receive a blessing from the Priest.
Crate Smasher! (80 points) | Destroy 500 crates.
Determined! (30 points) | Resurrect more than 25 times.
Eye of the Beholder (40 points) | Defeat the Ancient Beholder Boss.
Fus-Ro-Dragonslayer (65 points) | Defeat the Dragon Boss.
Horde No More (35 points) | Defeat the Orc Chief Boss.
I'm Not Lost! (10 points) | Checked the map screen.
Key Master (50 points) | Collect 100 keys.
King of Bling (30 points) | Bought an amulet.
Knowledge Is Power! (25 points) | Read your ?rst tome.
Legendary Hero (100 points) | Complete the game!
Level Up! (25 points) | Leveled up for the ?rst time!
Magic Brew (30 points) | Bought a potion.
Pebbled (50 points) | Defeat the Stone Golem Boss.
Quest Has Begun (10 points) | Completed the training level.
Sharpened Blade (30 points) | Bought a new weapon.
Shop-a-holic (70 points) | Spend more than 1500 coins.
Sick Re?exes (30 points) | Destroy an arrow in mid-air.
Slaughtered (45 points) | Defeat the Butcher Boss.
Slayer! (80 points) | Kill more than 500 enemies.
Til Death Do Us Part (30 points) | Bought a ring.