Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Architect (100 points) | For restoring Stonehenge.
Braveheart (150 points) | For defeating the wicked witch.
Builder (50 points) | For constructing a building.
Fireman (100 points) | For restoring the signal fires.
Gardener (50 points) | For restoring a plant.
Grand master (200 points) | For completing all levels with three stars.
Music Fan (50 points) | For getting rid of a Music Fan.
Shock worker (50 points) | For speeding up construction.
Sorceror (50 points) | For activating an altar.
Sprinter (50 points) | For speeding up workers.
Timelord (100 points) | For stopping time.
Unity with nature (50 points) | For growing a lily pad.