Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
A Few Tweaks (Bronze) | Change something using the mutators menu.
A Monk's Life (Bronze) | Win a match without using any pickups.
All Rounder (Gold) | Win a match of at least half of the gamemodes.
Blinky Approved (Bronze) | Try all of the mutators.
Chair-Breaker (Bronze) | Lose the match after being on match point 5 or more times.
Channelling Negative Energy (Bronze) | Finish the match on a negative score.
Chicken Marengo (Bronze) | Get killed 5 times in a row by falling too far behind the leader.
Cliff Diving (Bronze) | Get killed by driving off the track.
Complete Control (Bronze) | Use the customise menu.
CTR Rules (Bronze) | Be selected for the podium after a match ends in a tie.
Dead Man's Boots (Bronze) | Take the lead by shooting the leading player.
Doing a Bradbury (Silver) | Win a match after there being 3 or more players on match-point above you.
Don't Choke! (Bronze) | Be on match point 3 times in a row without winning the match.
Eat My Dust (Bronze) | Take the lead by using the speed boost pickup.
Enemies Eternal (Bronze) | All four human players kill someone in the same round.
Fairness Through Inequality (Bronze) | Set some per-player options in the customise menu.
First! (Bronze) | Win a round of any game mode.
Friends Forever (Bronze) | All four human players are alive at the end of the round.
Full Contact Racing (Bronze) | Push another player off the track.
Furiously Fast Four (Silver) | All four humans players get a sub 12 second lap time on the Figure 8 track in Best Lap Time game mode.
Good Times (Silver) | Play 1000 rounds.
Great Times (Silver) | Win 100 matches.
I Have the Power (Bronze) | Try all of the powerups.
I Was Told There Would Be Medals (Bronze) | Fail to win the match even after winning the round while on match point.
Just Need to Know Where I've Been (Bronze) | Win a round while driving backwards.
Keep on Swimming (Bronze) | Win an elimination quick game with a score over 1000 points.
Mass Murder (Bronze) | Kill 3 other players in a single round.
Master Blaster (Bronze) | Finish a round of at least ten of the Battle game modes.
No Plumbers nor Marsupials (Bronze) | Win a match of the Kart Racing game mode.
Non-Violent Resistance (Bronze) | Win a match without dealing any damage to or killing other players.
On a Roll (Bronze) | Win 3 matches in a row in a single session.
Options All the Way Down (Bronze) | Find the deepest level of the customise menu.
Outta My Way (Bronze) | Launch a player into the air using the cowcatcher.
Pacifist (Bronze) | Win a round without dealing any damage to or killing other players.
Reflected Glory (Bronze) | Your controller buddy won the match.
Reversal of Fortune (Bronze) | Move from last place to first place in one round (against at least 3 competitors).
Schweetz! (Bronze) | Finish a round of at least ten of the Race game modes.
Simplify (Bronze) | Win a round without using any pickups.
Single Vehicle Accident (Bronze) | Die by driving off the track without help.
Staying Alive (Bronze) | Finish a round of at least ten of the Elimination game modes.
Take That Skynet! (Silver) | Humans finish in 1st and 2nd in a two human versus two AI match, and only AI players are killed.
The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down (Bronze) | Win a match of the Speed Limit game mode.
The Resistance Starts Now (Bronze) | Play against three AI and get at least 10 kills before getting killed by an AI.
Thorough (Silver) | Try a non-default setting from every deep customisation row.
Three Birds, One Stone (Bronze) | Hit 3 players with one railgun shot.
Three Legged Race (Bronze) | Finish a match in first and second place with your controller buddy.
Tick Tick (Bronze) | Finish a round of at least ten of the Time Trial game modes.
Time for a Shoey! (Platinum) | Successfully master all the ways to play Party Crashers.
Too Slow (Bronze) | Get killed by falling too far behind the leader.
Try Accelerating Next Time (Bronze) | Don't win a round in a match of 500 points or more.
Ultra Sprint (Bronze) | Win a match of the Super Classic Arcade game mode on the Bends Track.
Unbreakable (Bronze) | Win a round with less than 5% health.
Unstoppable (Bronze) | Win every round in a match of 500 points.
Wheeeeeee! (Bronze) | Use the sliders to customise further.
Why Race When You Can Shoot? (Bronze) | Win any battle mode against other humans.