Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Candytarian (Silver) | Eat 400 candies.
Classical style (Gold) | Knock out with All Ball Attack.
Dawn to dusk, Gira Ball (Gold) | Defeat all shadow bosses.
Flirt rodent (Silver) | Defeat Dylan.
Flyer collector (Silver) | Get all Gira Skills.
Gira Ball champion (Platinum) | All trophies acquired.
Great Gira juggler (Gold) | Catch the ball 10 times in a battle.
Immobility hitch hiker (Silver) | Defeat Alex.
Junglingual (Silver) | Defeat Samuel.
Let's get a little close (Silver) | 1 win in Extra Mode.
Let's get very close (Gold) | Get an S rank in Extra Mode.
Mighty rabbit (Gold) | No wins in Extra Mode.
Penguins over the sky (Gold) | Defeat Randy.
Tumble sheep (Silver) | Defeat Jeff.
Ultra Gira spinner (Gold) | Reflect the ball 10 times in a battle.
Waking or sleeping, Gira Ball (Gold) | Defeat all angry shadow bosses.
You can order extra fat (Gold) | Eat a Gira Gira Noodle.
Yume kawaii (Silver) | Defeat Cassie.