Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
A RISING STAR! | Finish a race in 1st position in single player.
CREATOR ME | Beat one of the developers or another player who has this achievement in a multiplayer race.
DESTROYER | Destroy 5 other crafts in a single race.
FAST NOT FURIOUS! | Finish a speedlap race in 1st position in single player.
FORMULA SOLVED | Unlock every achievement in Formula Fusion.
FULL METAL CONTACT | Destroy another craft by ramming it.
GLOBETROTTER | Travel the total distance equivalent to flying around the world!
HEAD OF THE PACK | Finish an elimination race in 1st position in single player.
I'M A ROCKET MAN! | Destroy another craft with an Energy Bolt.
IS THAT YOU PURDISC? | Be lapped by another pilot.
LAST MAN STANDING | Finish an endurance race in 1st position in single player.
MINED CRAFT | Destroy another craft with a Mine.
PACK LEADER | Stay in 1st place for a full lap.
PERFECTIONIST | Complete a perfect lap on any track.
SALT AND PEPPERED | Destroy another craft with the Gauss Cannon.
SLOW AND STEADY | Complete a full lap on any track without hitting a single boost pad.
SO YOU'RE THAT GUY... | Collide with every other craft in a race.
SPACE RACE | Travel a total distance equivalent to Medium Earth Orbit.
THE 1% | Achieve Gold medals in every event in the United Trans-American States race season.
TRAINING WHEELS | Die 3 times in a single race.
VENGEFUL PILOT | Destroy a craft that destroyed you earlier in the same race.
WAKA! WAKA! | 'Collect' 3 mines in a single race.
WORLD STAR! | Complete the United Trans-American States race season.