Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Bonemerango (30 points) | Kill a skeleton fly.
Bullion (30 points) | Kill a bull fly.
Burpy (30 points) | Kill a burping fly.
Cakefly (20 points) | Kill a yellow fly.
Cando (30 points) | Kill a candy fly.
Cherry (50 points) | Wake the red cupcake up.
Coino (30 points) | Kill a coin fly.
Devlin (30 points) | Kill a demon fly.
Fly (20 points) | Kill a fly.
Flybeetus (20 points) | Kill a sugar licking fly.
Flysteroids (30 points) | Kill a muscular fly.
Flytoon (50 points) | Kill the tiny fly army.
Footloose (30 points) | Kill a tiny fly.
Ghosta (30 points) | Kill a ghost fly.
Hatfly (20 points) | Kill a fly with a hat.
Jefly (30 points) | Kill a tiny jelly fly.
Jellyflerk (30 points) | Kill a medium jelly fly.
Jellyflot (30 points) | Kill a big jelly fly.
Kyle (50 points) | Kill the giant chunky monster.
Kyle's Brain (50 points) | Kill the brain.
Kyle's Heart (50 points) | Kill the heart.
Missifly (30 points) | Kill a missile launcher fly.
Not like this... (20 points) | Lose for the first time.
Pancake (40 points) | Beat a wave with the pink cupcake.
Piņato (30 points) | Kill a piņata fly.
Roombly (30 points) | Kill a robotic fly.
Snipah (30 points) | Kill a sniper fly.
Steamfly Willie (50 points) | Kill the big metallic fly.
Truffle (50 points) | Kill an enormous fly.
Twinkle (30 points) | Kill a laser fly.