Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Annoying as always (80 points) | Kill 50 Mosquitos.
But not cute enough (80 points) | Kill 50 Butterflies.
Getting Better (80 points) | Complete Area 2.
I hope this is it (80 points) | Kill 25 Spiders.
I think this one is old (80 points) | Kill 100 Scorpions.
Nuclear Explosion (60 points) | Use a Bomb Attack.
Powerful (60 points) | Obtain a power-up.
Shouldn't it be on the sea? (80 points) | Kill a Manta.
Starting (80 points) | Complete Area 1.
There were more... (80 points) | Kill 50 Spiders.
They were cute (80 points) | Kill 25 Butterflies.
This is it, right? (80 points) | Complete Area 3.
This wasn't easy (80 points) | Kill an Area Boss.