Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Walk in the Park | Complete all 'Day at the Park' tutorial tracks, with no level skips. | 50
Angelic | Fall outside of the map | 20
Arrowhead | Catch an arrow with your head | 20
Be the Yin to my Yang | Complete Official Track Group 'Family Vacation', with no level skips. | 80
Beer Me Bro | Complete Official Track Group 'The Great Outdoors', with no level skips. | 50
Crown of Glory | Complete Official Track Group 'The Glory Gauntlet', with no level skips. | 80
Hello Good Sir | Complete Official Track Group 'Welcome to Happy Valley', with no level skips. | 50
Hobo Hero | Complete any Track with Larry and make all your hobo friends proud! | 20
Legend | Complete Official Track Group 'Desert Legend', with no level skips. | 90
Move Out The Way | Seriously injure 50 pedestrians. | 20
Night Owl | Complete any level in darkness. | 20
Retro Renegade | Find and complete the 'Retro Runner' Easter Egg level. | 30
Safety First | Complete 10 Tracks with zero injuries to anyone. | 100
Secret Hunter | Complete 2 Easter Egg levels in the Halls of Glory. | 100
Storybook Finish | Complete Official Track Group 'Child's Play', with no level skips | 80
Stunner | Complete Official Track Group 'Stunt Tour', with no level skips. | 80
You Trippin Man | Complete Official Track Group 'Rocket Science', with no level skips. | 80
You're The Poop! | Wreck/die 10+ times in 1 Track. | 30