Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
100% | Get all 100% Medals | 100
BASIC | Beat X4-4 using only the basic platform | 25
DEUS | Get all Deus Medals | 100
DODECAS | Beat World 4 | 20
EQUILIBRIUM | Get all optional upgrades | 75
FLOORMASTER 1 | Beat X2-2 while touching the ground just once | 25
FLOORMASTER 2 | Beat X4-1 while touching the ground just once | 25
HEXAPAQ | Beat World 2 | 20
HOME | Finish the game | 50
ICOSAN | Beat World 5 | 20
MINIMALIST | Beat 3-1, destroy no light bulbs or enemies, collect nothing | 25
OCTALOP | Beat World 3 | 20
PAR 100% | Get all Par 100% Medals | 125
PAR ANY% | Get all Par Any% Medals | 125
ROGUE TRAVELLER | Beat World 1 in Rogue Extra mode | 50
SYMMETRY | Beat 5-T and collect all of its tetrahedrons | 50
TETRAGOUL | Beat World 1 | 20
TETRAHEDRON | Collect all tetrahedrons | 100
TRAVELOGUE | Begin your journey | 25