Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Ancient Necromancer (80 points) | Kill the Ancient Necromancer.
Bring 'em on! (80 points) | Complete the game with "No margin for error" or "Curse" mutator.
Changes the rules (30 points) | Start the game with any mutator.
Conclusion (80 points) | Complete eight levels.
Drink me (80 points) | Die after drinking the poison.
Elder Flower (80 points) | Kill the Elder Flower.
Finish the game (100 points) | Complete the game.
First step (30 points) | Complete the first level.
Full equipment (110 points) | Put the items in all the inventory slots.
Full set (80 points) | Buy all the mutators.
Half way (30 points) | Complete five levels.
I can't see anything! (80 points) | Complete the game with "Fog" or "Broken cartridge" mutator.
Insects must die! (30 points) | Squash twentyfive bugs.
Time is money (30 points) | Finish the level in under three minutes.
Trader (80 points) | Spend fifty coins.