Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
1000 Little Pricks (20 points) | Shoot 1000 spines in Shaqtus mode.
2000 Little Pricks (40 points) | Shoot 2000 spines in Shaqtus mode.
500 Little Pricks (10 points) | Shoot 500 spines in Shaqtus mode.
Anger Mismanagement I (10 points) | Smash 50 destroyable objects.
Anger Mismanagement II (20 points) | Smash 150 destroyable objects.
Anger Mismanagement III (40 points) | Smash 300 destroyable objects.
Any 10-year-old could do this I (10 points) | Take out 500 any enemies.
Any 10-year-old could do this II (20 points) | Take out 1000 any enemies.
Any 10-year-old could do this III (40 points) | Take out 2000 any enemies.
Cha Ching I (10 points) | Collect 5 Icy Hots.
Cha Ching II (20 points) | Collect 10 Icy Hots.
Cha Ching III (40 points) | Collect 50 Icy Hots.
Choked the Chicken (30 points) | Defeat Baby Face.
Counter a-Shaq I (10 points) | Perform 25 counter-attacks.
Counter a-Shaq II (20 points) | Perform 150 counter-attacks.
Counter a-Shaq III (40 points) | Perform 300 counter-attacks.
Crashing the Gates of Hell (20 points) | Destroy 15 portals.
Diesel Power (20 points) | Take out 200 enemies using loader.
Fender Bender (40 points) | Defeat Benedict.
Frizzle Out (10 points) | Defeat Frizzle.
Gas Guzzler (10 points) | Finish Shaq Diesel event for the 1st time.
Going Down For The Last Time (30 points) | Defeat Diamond.
Great Balls of Fire (20 points) | Overheat 3 times in Diesel mode.
Mechanized Mayhem I (10 points) | Take out 300 enemies in Diesel mode.
Mechanized Mayhem II (20 points) | Take out 600 enemies in Diesel mode.
Mechanized Mayhem III (40 points) | Take out 1000 enemies in Diesel mode.
Over the Shoulder Boulder Roller I (10 points) | Take out 300 enemies using boulders.
Over the Shoulder Boulder Roller II (20 points) | Take out 600 enemies using boulders.
Over the Shoulder Boulder Roller III (40 points) | Take out 1000 enemies using boulders.
Plundered The Booty (30 points) | Defeat Kandy.
Pole Dancer I (10 points) | Take out 150 enemies using any melee weapon.
Pole Dancer II (20 points) | Take out 500 enemies using any melee weapon.
Pole Dancer III (40 points) | Take out 1000 enemies using any melee weapon.
Post Beatdown Refreshments (10 points) | Walk through the bikers' bar.
Puppet Master (20 points) | Defeat Arthur.
Shaq Frack I (20 points) | Perform 50 Shaq Waves.
Shaq Frack II (40 points) | Perform 200 Shaq Waves.
Shaq-e-Kong I (10 points) | Take out 100 enemies using barrels.
Shaq-e-Kong II (20 points) | Take out 300 enemies using barrels.
Shaq-e-Kong III (40 points) | Take out 600 enemies using barrels.
Temple of Boom (10 points) | Enter the Temple of Shroom.
The Juice Is Loose (10 points) | Perform Shaq Wave for the 1st time.
The Queen Is Dead (50 points) | Defeat Yen-Lo-Wang.