Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
100 Zombies (50 points) | 100 Zombies
Cave Man (90 points) | Clear all caves.
Cheap as chips (50 points) | Defeat Kolles Terrol.
Coin Hoarder (50 points) | Collect 1000 coins.
Collector at heart (90 points) | Collect all SIGI's.
Eat an apple (20 points) | An apple a day.
Gold Rush (100 points) | Pocket 2500 coins.
Golden Crown (50 points) | Find the long lost golden crown.
Golden Grail (50 points) | Find the long lost golden grail.
Golden Lady (60 points) | Hard to find and almost out of reach.
Golden Talisman (50 points) | Find the long lost golden talisman.
Grand finale (80 points) | Defeat Ivan Stinkup.
Save Melusina (50 points) | There she goes again.
Score 100% (100 points) | In under 30 minutes?
Too blind to see (50 points) | Defeat Blind John
Under pressure (10 points) | Fart at Melusina.
Whistle blower (50 points) | Defeat the Steel Horse.