Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
BE VEWY VEWY QUIET (60 points) | Unlock Hunter.
DESTRUCTOR (60 points) | Kill three Players With One Super.
Double Whack-A-Mole (60 points) | Make Double Stomp.
FIRE AND FURY (60 points) | Unlock Djinn.
Proving Grounds (80 points) | Beat Arcade Mode In Easy Mode without losing a life.
RANDMAN (60 points) | Play as the random character.
RED BARON (60 points) | Unlock Moose.
Rising Superstar (140 points) | Beat Arcade Mode in Normal Mode without losing a single life.
SISTERLY LOVE (60 points) | Unlock Bruja.
SLEEPING BEAUTY (60 points) | Unlock Koala.
Top Ten Anime Battles (180 points) | Beat the Arcade Mode in Hard Mode without losing a single life.
UPGRADE (60 points) | Unlock Mechanica.
We're Owl Exterminators (60 points) | Destroy five nests in Sereng Hooty.