Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Better Together (30 points) | Reach the final chapter with the highest emotional bonding.
Binge Staying (75 points) | Become the perfect soulmate and never leave Quinn.
Chessmates (15 points) | Board game solitaire.
Dr. Linvingstone relative (75 points) | Unveil all secret rooms.
End of the Road (75 points) | Reveal all possible endings.
Here, Kitty (15 points) | Never kill the cat.
Home Alone (15 points) | Play it cool.
Icebreaker (15 points) | Who are you, stranger?
Light High (15 points) | And then there was light...
Matryoshka (15 points) | A life within a life withing a life within...
Reflections (15 points) | Bad hair day not allowed.
The Collectionist (75 points) | Discover all possible items.
The Explorer (15 points) | Don't lose sight of the north.
The Loop (15 points) | A neverending book which is not for Bastian.
The Wall (15 points) | Guardians, feathers and the unknown.
Trophy Mogul (115 points) | Collect all the other achievements.
Trustmaster (30 points) | Reach the final chapter with the highest level of trust.
Zen Master (15 points) | Don't leave during a time interval.