Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Absquatulate (105 points) | Earn the gold medal in Little frogs.
Airs and graces (10 points) | Travel between the two barrels in At the rapids without touching the water.
At the rapidest (105 points) | Earn the gold medal in At the rapids.
Be safe (10 points) | Complete Hideaway.
Better together (10 points) | Complete a level in co-op.
Bounce back (10 points) | Complete At the rapids.
Decorated (10 points) | Earn a medal for achieving a time or not dying on any level.
Don't conform (10 points) | Complete Little frogs.
Don't go with the flow (25 points) | Travel from the island with the tables back up to the lifebuoy in At the rapids.
Dry as a bone (25 points) | Complete At the rapids in one go without dying.
Fall apart (10 points) | Complete Ashes to ashes.
Falling with style (25 points) | Make it between the two moose signs in Ashes to ashes without using any directional inputs.
Fireproof (25 points) | Complete Ashes to ashes in one go without dying.
Flash fire (105 points) | Earn the gold medal in Ashes to ashes.
Flying fish (105 points) | Earn the gold medal in Nightswimming.
Get crushed (10 points) | Complete Is that all there is.
Go explore (10 points) | Complete Nightswimming.
Hard and fast (25 points) | Beat all of the bonus levels in under 45 minutes in one go.
Like clockwork (105 points) | Earn the gold medal in Is that all there is.
Live bait (25 points) | Survive 5 pike attacks in a row without using your lasso in the pike chase.
New threads (10 points) | Customise a character.
No spanner in the works (25 points) | Complete Is that all there is in one go without dying.
Off the hook (25 points) | Complete Nightswimming in one go without dying.
Party responsibly (25 points) | Complete Little frogs in one go without dying.
Rescuer (10 points) | Complete any bonus level.
Roof runner (105 points) | Earn the gold medal in Hideaway.
Safety rope (25 points) | Completed Hideaway in one go without dying.
Start anew (10 points) | Complete Foreign Shore.