Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Bloody Challenges (200 points) | Complete all Bloody Challenges.
Bloody tables (100 points) | Unlock all tables.
Frankenstein (80 points) | Complete Frankenstein table.
Hard Rocker (80 points) | Complete Rock Star table.
Hellfire (80 points) | Complete HellFire table.
Little Pirate (80 points) | Compte Little Pirate table.
Mad Scientist (80 points) | Complete Mad Scientist table.
Master Player (50 points) | Make a 100.000.000 score.
Mutant (80 points) | Complete Mutant table.
Sniper (90 points) | Complete 10 Sniper mode.
Werewolf (80 points) | Complete Werewolf table.