Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Beat Juggle | Throw a grenade and use the glitch effect to stutter the grenade sound | Gold
Body Jam | Play 2 orb kits simultaneously for 2 full loops | Bronze
Drone | Play only the looper for 2 full loops with all backing tracks muted | Bronze
Electronaut Master | Obtain all trophies | Platinum
Electronaut Pro | Play 20 different songs | Gold
Grenadier | Throw an audio grenade when you transition backing tracks | Gold
Harp Lord | Play the harp for 2 whole loops | Gold
Iron Jammer | Jam in a single room for 15 mins or more | Bronze
Little Mahalo | Use the arrangement equipment | Bronze
Lyrical Genius | Use the vocal equipment whilst recording a sequence on an instrument | Bronze
Maniac | Sequence all notes on all possible sequencers on every instrument | Bronze
Master musician | Play every instrument in the game | Gold
Master of time | Mute 2 sequences at the end of a loop | Gold
Orb Ascension | Play every note on the synth ball in ascending order | Gold
Producer | Have a sequence playing on every instrument in a room | Bronze
Rapid Fire | Play an instrument consistently for 1 min | Bronze
REEEMIIIXXX | Use the FX Cube glitch remix effect 25 times | Bronze
Rocketeer | Visit all 11 Visualizers | Bronze
Sequence Enforcer | Record a sequence on an instrument, mute it for a loop and play that instrument with your sticks for a loop then unmute it | Gold
Static | Play only the synth ball for 4 full loops | Bronze
That flow | Mute the kick/snare stems in a backing track and then bring them back in | Bronze
Very Mahalo | Fill 4 unique rows on the arrangement equipment | Bronze
Watermusic | Have echo enabled on all instruments and hold down the filter in FX cube for 2 loops | Bronze
Wrecking crew | Clear 3 sequences in succession | Silver