Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
A Shiver of Sharks | Unlock all the sharks | Gold
About $150 | Spend 500,000 Gold | Bronze
Arabian Score Smash | Lifetime Score 92,880,000 in The Arabian Sea | Bronze
Arctic point pressure | Lifetime Score 61,920,000 in The Arctic Ocean | Bronze
End of an era! | Lifetime Eat 1000 Dolphins | Bronze
Feeding Frenzy | Lifetime eat 10,000 Humans | Bronze
Nothing I can't Do! | Finish all the missions | Silver
Once upon a time... | Complete your first mission! Go eat! | Bronze
Suit Up | Equip a full set to your shark | Bronze
Sunken treasure | Buy all the Accessories, Gadgets and Pets | Silver
That's very Pacific | Lifetime Score 30,960,000 in the Pacific Islands | Bronze
The Big One | Lifetime Score 123,840,000 in The South China Sea | Bronze
There's Gold in them thar seas! | Trigger 250 Gold Rushes in your lifetime | Bronze
Whale of a migration | Lifetime Swim 22,000,000m! | Bronze