Armor Spheres are increasingly important near the end of the game. Armor Sphere allow you to upgrade your body armor parts, and you need a lot of them if you want to max out your complete set. However, if you stock up on spheres early in the game, you can have a good amount to upgrade your favorite armor set towards the end. Use the following method to get lots of Armor Spheres. Go to the Resource Center in Astera and register bounties. These range from collecting plants to slaying monsters. The easiest way by far is to collect items like flora, honey, mushrooms, bonepiles, or mining ore. All these items can easily be tracked on the world map and completed while you are doing quests. To complete them, return to the Resource Center in Astera and turn them in for one armor sphere each. If you make it a habit to do bounties before activities and turning them in after, you can get 4+ spheres after every 1-2 quest.