Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Bragging rights | Mature gobbler with hens harvest. | Silver
Crow single | Shoot single crow out of the flock. | Bronze
Crows double | Shoot two crows out of the same flock. | Bronze
Exploration- Water Tower | Find the location of the water tower. | Bronze
Greeenhorn | Easiest gobbler to harvest. | Bronze
Seasoned Turkey Hunter | Educated gobbler harvest. | Silver
Straight Shooter | Shoot the 3 milk jugs located at the lodge. | Bronze
Turkey Calling Champion | Toughest gobbler to harvest. | Silver
Turkey Hunting Guru | Harvest 2 gobbers in same hunt. | Silver
Turkey Hunting Legend | Harvest 3 gobbers in same hunt. | Gold
Turkey Hunting Veteran | Henned up gobbler harvest. | Silver