Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Type
#SquadGoals | Fully deck out Firing Squad in their signature outfits. | 15
A Full Circle | Complete a 360 in the air while in a vehicle. | 15
Accessories Sold Separately | Use Gremlin Tech for the first time. | 15
Alert Level Wipe | Complete LEGION Alert Level by defeating the LEGION captain. | 15
All the Bells and Whistles | Fully upgrade all areas of the ARK. | 30
Bling Bling | Swap out an agents weapon with a new look. | 15
Bombshells | Fully deck out the Bombshells in their signature outfit. | 15
Broken Hearts Club (secret) | Complete "Operation: Red Queen". | 10
Chill Out | Destroy an Ice Barrage Emplacement. | 15
Contested Location | Take over each type of Emplacement Location. | 20
Contract Killer | Complete 30 MAYHEM & Agent Contracts. | 20
Contract Thriller | Complete 15 Connected Contracts. | 20
Crystalized | Equip an Upgrade Core to any agent. | 15
Designated Driver | Call in an agent vehicle for the first time. | 15
District Control (secret) | Take over an Outpost from LEGION. | 15
Dominator Dominated | Destroy a Gravity Dominator. | 15
Fall of Babylon (secret) | Complete "Operation: Damocles". | 10
Fire Up the Wayback Machine | Use mission replay to replay and complete 3 missions. | 15
Get Personal | Complete all agent personal missions and get all agents to level 20. | 90
Globally Offensive | Complete the Moscow Global Offensive. | 90
Go-Go-Gadget! | Equip your first gadget onto any agent. | 15
Hack the Planet | Unlock and complete all standard VR room training programs. | 15
Hardcore Gamer | Complete all Operations on Difficulty Level 7+. | 30
Hate this Thing | Destroy a hate machine emplacement. | 15
Hello, Ladies | Collect all agent vehicles. | 30
Jump Around | Hit 10 jumps in the city. | 15
LEGION Roadkill | Run over LEGION personnel 10 times. | 20
Long Jump | Jump an agent vehicle 50 meters in one jump. | 15
More Like FUNgeon, Amirite? | Complete a LEGION lair for the first time in Seoul. | 15
Next Up: Action Figures! | Fully deck out Franchise Force in their signature outfits. | 15
Not Technically a Golem... | Destroy a golem in the open world. | 15
Not this Fracking Thing | Destroy a Dark Matter Fracking Station. | 15
Pimp Your Ride | Build your first vehicle through blueprints. | 15
Secrets Within Secrets (secret) | Enter a secret room, inside a secret room, inside a LEGION lair. | 15
Shard Shark | Collect all collectible Shards in game. | 30
Smells Like Home (secret) | Warp into the ARK for the first time. | 10
Space Laser: OFFLINE (secret) | Complete "Operation: Heaven Sent". | 10
Spreading MAYHEM | Deploy your first agent to any LEGION region. | 15
Status #1337 (secret) | Get 15 all perfect Hacks. | 15
Stop the Drop | Destroy a Drop Pod Launcher Emplacement. | 15
Super Agent | Reach level 40 on any agent. | 90
That Went Poorly (secret) | Complete "Operation: Spin-off". | 10
Three's Company | Fully deck out Carnage a Trois in their signature outfits. | 15
Through the Looking Glass (secret) | Complete "Operation: Madhouse". | 10
Warp Points Acquired | Unlock 5 warp points via open world gameplay. | 15
Wedding Crasher (secret) | Complete "Operation: Machine Man". | 10
What's the Password? | Enter a secret room inside a LEGION lair. | 15
X Marks the Spot | Find and open a large loot chest. | 15
You Got Gaunt! (secret) | Complete "Operation: Star Power". | 10