Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Happening | Encounter your first Event. | 15
Adventurer | Unlock 20 Islands. | 15
Baby Steps | Mine 10 Blocks. | 15
Can't Touch This | Defeat the Hollow King Boss without taking damage. | 30
Cubicide | Mine 53,596 Blocks. | 90
Dedicated Knight | Complete 200 Event Quests. | 90
Do-It-Yourself | Upgrade the Workbench to the maximum Level. | 30
Down the Rabbit Hole | Collect and equip the complete Rabbit Armor and eat a carrot. | 55
Dragon Slayer | Defeat the Dragon Boss. | 15
Evasionist | Defeat the Dragon Boss with 5 Saurian Fighters alive. | 30
Eventing | Complete 10 Event Quests. | 15
Exterminator | Defeat the Worm Boss. | 15
Fledgling | Complete all Tutorial Parts. | 15
Ghost Buster | Defeat the Hollow King Boss. | 15
Great Explorer | Visit all Islands in the World. | 30
Level 10! | Reach Level 10. | 15
Level 20! | Reach Level 20. | 30
Level Up! | Level Up for the first time. | 15
Man Made | Craft your first Item. | 15
Mass Production | Craft 1000 Items. | 90
Master of Magic | Upgrade the Altar to the maximum Level. | 30
Master Smith | Upgrade the Anvil to the maximum Level. | 30
On the other side... | Visit the Ghostworld. | 15
Portal Knight | Reach Level 30. | 90
Tinkerer | Craft 50 Items. | 30
Traveller | Use a Portal for the first time. | 15
Whack-No-Worm | Defeat the Worm Boss without defeating any Small Worm. | 30
Workbenching | Place a Workbench on every Island. | 90
World Changing | Complete 50 Event Quests. | 30