Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Brigadier General | Collect 60 stars. | Silver
Captain | Collect 20 stars. | Bronze
Checked | Land on all Landing Zones. | Bronze
Colonel | Collect 50 stars. | Silver
Dustoff | Transport 200 soldiers. | Silver
Dustoff Heli Rescue 2 | Become a master pilot. | Platinum
First Lieutenant | Collect 10 stars. | Bronze
Full House | Own all the helicopters. | Silver
General | Collect 90 stars. | Gold
General of the Army | Collect 105 stars. | Gold
Goa'uld | Find the artifact in the desert. | Bronze
Gun collector | Get all of the weapons | Silver
Heroes of the BLUFOR | Collect 175 dog tags. | Gold
Iron bird | Complete Mission #30 without retrying from landing zone. | Gold
Know Your Enemy | Destroy 500 enemies. | Gold
Lieutenant | Complete training | Bronze
Lieutenant Colonel | Collect 40 stars. | Silver
Lieutenant General | Collect 80 stars. | Gold
Major | Collect 30 stars. | Bronze
Major General | Collect 70 stars. | Silver
Multirole | Complete an attack mission with a transport helicopter. | Silver
Pripyat | Find the Ferris Wheel in the taiga. | Bronze
Quality Assurance | Land on the drop zone with one man left behind. | Bronze
Scrapyard | Crash your helicopter during training. | Silver
Sverd i fjell | Find the Swords in the fjords. | Bronze
Who is the Boss now? | Defeat the boss on level 35. | Gold
Winchester | Complete a mission with depleted ammunition | Bronze