Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Addict | 50 Challenges Completed. | Bronze
ANNIHILATION | 10 000 Enemies Killed! | Bronze
Biologist | You discovered all the alien species. | Bronze
Bone Collector | 1000 Enemies Killed! | Bronze
Close Quarter Specialist | You completed a wave using only secondary items. | Bronze
Combat Ready | You completed the game tutorial. | Bronze
Completionist | Game plus mode completed. | Bronze
DAREDEVIL | 100 Challenges Completed. | Bronze
Enthusiast | 20 Challenges Completed. | Bronze
Exterminator | 5000 Enemies Killed! | Bronze
FRENZIED | You killed 100 enemies in a frenzy! | Bronze
Game Completed | You have come to the end but new challenges await! | Bronze
GODLIKE | You finished campaign on highest difficulty. | Bronze
Granadier | You completed a wave using only genades. | Bronze
Level 1 Completed | Moving on. | Bronze
Level 2 Completed | Moving on. | Bronze
Level 3 Completed | Moving on. | Bronze
Level 4 Completed | Moving on. | Bronze
Perfect Bonus | Perfect combo bonus! | Bronze
Thrill-seeker | 5 Challenges Completed. | Bronze
Trophy Hunter | 100 Enemies Killed! | Bronze