Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Anyone else? | Destroy 25 enemies. | Bronze
Awakening | Complete the first chapter. | Silver
Bullet Hell | Shoot 50 times. | Bronze
Die, crates, die | Destroy 30 crates. | Gold
Discovering | Complete the second chapter. | Silver
Don't break the floor! | Destroy 5 Punchers. | Bronze
Energy Master | Use 50 energy drums. | Gold
Fellowship | Complete the third chapter. | Silver
Historian | Read 5 consoles. | Bronze
Hope | Finish the game. | Gold
Making friends | Destroy 5 enemies. | Bronze
Mine cleaner | Destroy 10 MinePlanters. | Gold
Nothing left behind | Find all secrets. | Gold
Patroll eraser | Destroy 10 patrollers. | Bronze
Search in progress | Find 25 secrets. | Bronze
Second chance | Activate 20 checkpoints. | Gold
She is a machine!! | Get all the trophies. | Platinum
Some extra stuff | Find 5 secrets. | Gold
That green stuff | Use 5 energy drums. | Bronze
This is working | Use 25 energy drums. | Bronze
Treasure hunter | Find 50 secrets. | Silver
Want some more? | Destroy 50 enemies. | Gold