Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
Bike Finder | Find a bike.
Bike Finder Supreme | Find Red Lightning. (Secret)
Buy the Bike | Buy your very own bike!
Destroy the Source | Destroy the mean notebook once and for all. (Secret)
Evan's Ally | Help Evan come clean about his makeover business. (Secret)
Find the Source | Find the source of the mean rumors.
High Fantasy | Play Swords and Sorcerors.
Honest Day's Work | Finish the game without attempting to blackmail anyone.
I Can See Clearly Now | Get a pair of binoculars.
I Cannot Tell a Lie | Finish the game without lying.
I Feel Pretty | Get a makeover.
J'accuse | Accuse the right person of stealing Shashi's books. (Secret)
Multiple Romances | Start multiple romances at the same time. (Secret)
Not So Secret Admirer | Figure out the identity of your secret admirer before the dance.
Take a Powder | Get some fingerprint powder.
Too Many Secrets | Get a book on codes and ciphers.
Treasure Hunter | Follow the clues to your birthday present. (Secret)
True Romantic | Start a romance.
Your Name in Print | Publish an article in the school newspaper.