Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Poins
Androids Assemble | Play as 8 Androids | 15
Art Connoisseur | Unlock all items in the Art Gallery | 15
Assault Android Awesome | Earn an S+ ranking on all campaign levels | 90
Blast Processing | Activate an EX Option | 15
Centre of Mass | Destroy an enemy with Helo while it's caught by a Singularity | 15
Chain Gang | Reach a chain of 1000 | 80
Chain Reaction | Cause 3 mines to explode in succession without being shot | 15
Collateral Damage | Destroy 3 enemies by driving another enemy through them with the Giga Drill | 15
Credits To Burn | Unlock any item that costs credits | 15
Everything's Cactus | Destroy 15,000 homicidal robots | 80
Garden Pruning | Defeat Hydroponics Controller Vespula | 30
I Am Become Death | Complete Boss Rush mode | 80
Maximum Overdrive | Collect every Battery dropped in the Showdown level | 30
No Hold Will Hold Me | Defeat Production Overlord Embryo | 30
Nothing But Net | Drop a cannonball down the hole in Filament | 15
Opportunity Cost | Unlock all items in EX Options | 30
Out Of Your Depth | Reach Layer 25 in Infinity Drive mode | 80
Perfection | Earn an S+ rank on any level | 30
Poor Atmosphere | Defeat Superstructure Engineer Venom | 30
Prison Break | Destroy every laser fence In Justice's first phase | 15
Scrambled Eggs | Defeat one of Embryo's phases before he can relocate | 30
Security Breach | Defeat Security Administrator Justice | 30
Seven At One Blow | Destroy seven enemies with a single Rail Gun shot | 15
Stop Shooting Yourself | Lead the laser turret to defeat Medulla | 30
To Cross The Void | Rescue the Genki Star | 80
Untouchable | Finish any level without taking damage | 30
We Have To Go Deeper | Reach Layer 15 in Infinity Drive mode | 30
Weak Link | Reach a chain of 100 | 15
Well Read | Unlock all items in the Codex | 15