Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
At The Gates | Mad Machine | 50
Dead Man Walking | No place for the living? | 50
Fez | Red is the new black | 100
Garage Days | Underground light | 50
High Hopes | The Party knows how to party | 100
In God We Trust | Confession is sacred | 50
Obscure Dissident | Eyes wide shut | 50
Outlaw | Doubt the State | 50
Remember, Remember | Come out and play! | 50
Step into the Light | Blind like a bat | 100
Unexpected Journey | Trainspotting | 100
VCR vs Communism | There's no place like home | 50
Who's There? | Nature's call | 100
Working Class Hero | Work yourself to death | 100