Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Challenger (50 points) | Win 10 challenge.
Class Up (50 points) | Class up for the first time.
Collector (150 points) | Acquire all non-downloadable balls, characters and costumes.
Landlord (100 points) | Acquire all non-downloadable classic and fantasy locations.
Professional (100 points) | Score 250 or more in a match.
Semi-Pro (50 points) | Score 150 or more in a match.
Socialist (100 points) | Get 100 strike in exhibition mode.
Super Challenger (100 points) | Win 30 challenge.
Union Man (50 points) | Get 10 strike in exhibition mode.
Unlock (50 points) | Win 1 challenge.
World Professional (100 points) | Obtained class World Professional.
XXX (50 points) | Get 3 strike in a row in exhibition mode.
XXXXX (50 points) | Get 5 strike in a row in exhibition mode.