Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Bacon marauder | Shoot down 30 police ships. | 15
Be not afreight | Destroy all freighters | 15
I wanna be a baahlionaire | Gather $1000000 | 15
It's working... IT'S WORKING! | Run wild with the Podrunner | 15
My little brony | Find all the pony horses. | 15
NERD! | Find all collectibles | 15
Ruler of the seven skies | Blow up all pirate ships | 15
Splishy splashy | Visit the badehaus. | 15
Testaholic | Complete test chambers. | 15
The alien or the egg? | Headbutt all alien eggs | 15
The world is your canvas | Tag 10 walls. | 15
Use the sword, goat | Pickup a photon sword as father or good goat. | 15