Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Air Kill | Killed an enemy while the enemy is on the air | Bronze
Anorhem Gold: Easy | Achieved Gold on the Anorhem Survival: Easy mission | Silver
Anorhem Gold: EXTREME | Achieved Gold on the Anorhem Survival: Extreme mission | Gold
Anorhem Gold: Hard | Achieved Gold on the Anorhem Survival: Hard mission | Silver
Anorhem Gold: Medium | Achieved Gold on the Anorhem Survival: Medium mission | Gold
Argendnor Gold: Easy | Achieved Gold on the Argendnor Survival: Easy mission | Silver
Argendnor Gold: EXTREME | Achieved Gold on the Argendnor Survival: Extreme mission | Gold
Argendnor Gold: Hard | Achieved Gold on the Argendnor Survival: Hard mission | Gold
Argendnor Gold: Medium | Achieved Gold on the Argendnor Survival: Medium mission | Gold
Drone Assault Gold | Achieved Gold on the Drone Assault mission | Silver
DWVR Platinum | Congratulations for earning all of the trophies. | Platinum
Gallery Gold | Achieved Gold on the shooting gallery mission | Silver
Sanctum Gold: Easy | Achieved Gold on the Sanctum Survival: Easy mission | Silver
Sanctum Gold: EXTREME | Achieved Gold on the Sanctum Survival: Extreme mission | Gold
Sanctum Gold: Hard | Achieved Gold on the Sanctum Survival: Hard mission | Gold
Sanctum Gold: Medium | Achieved Gold on the Sanctum Survival: Medium mission | Gold