Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Algorithms | Beat the singleplayer in under 20 minutes | Silver
Bloodlust (secret) | 100 total kills in one match | Silver
Comeback Kid | Get eaten by the nidhogg after nearly allowing your opponent to do the same | Bronze
Domination | Win the faceoff and never lose the arrow in a singleplayer match | Silver
Flesh and Blood | Beat the singleplayer game | Silver
GTD | Finish an 8 player tournament | Bronze
Hogglike | Dominate every level in one singleplayer game | Silver
Memories (secret) | Trap your opponent on your sword for a long time while moving it up and down | Bronze
Old School | Play a match with old school settings | Bronze
Self Sacrifice (secret) | Kill yourself with your own arrow | Bronze
Slow Played | Let the timer run out in your opponent's last screen and win in sudden death | Bronze
Trapped in Donkeyspace (secret) | Play a match lasting longer than 20 minutes | Bronze