Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Beam me up, Scotty | Successfully transport 30 people | Silver
Because you are my friend | Play 6 missions with friends online | Silver
Careful, she's brand new... | Complete a mission with less than 10% Hull Integrity | Gold
Embrace technicality | Complete a mission as a Vulcan | Bronze
Fascinating | While on a mission, look outside of the spaceship using Space View for 10 seconds | Bronze
Fire everything we've got! | Survive a battle against three or more hostile ships | Gold
Hailing on all frequencies | Answer your first Hail | Bronze
He's dead, Jim! | Witness the death of an NPC crew member | Bronze
I dare you to do better... | Complete a mission as Captain | Bronze
I'm a Helmsman, not a doctor | Complete a mission as Helm | Bronze
I'm an Engineer, not a doctor | Complete a mission as Engineer | Bronze
I'm getting strange readings | As Tactical, scan your first ship | Bronze
I'm givin' her all she's got | As the Engineer, maximize engines by routing power from shields and phasers | Bronze
I'm Tactical, not a doctor | Complete a mission as Tactical | Bronze
Live long and prosper | Complete all campaign missions and one of each Ongoing Voyages type | Gold
Move, move, I can do zat! | As Captain, temporarily take over an NPC crewed station during a mission | Bronze
Nine-five-wictor-wictor-2 | Disrupt systems 5 times via a system intrusion | Silver
No-Win Scenario | Rescue at least 120 people in the stand-alone Kobayashi Maru mission | Gold
Nuclear Wessels! | Finish a mission without using torpedoes | Silver
Out of your Vulcan mind | Finish a mission without using the shields once | Silver
Out there...thataway! | Finish a mission using the original bridge | Silver
Punch it! | As the Helmsman or Engineer, perform your first warp in a Campaign or Ongoing Voyage mission | Bronze
Qapla'! | Destroy 20 Klingon ships | Silver
Second star to the right... | Obtain all the Trophies. | Platinum
She cannae take any more! | As the Engineer, Repair 15 systems | Silver
Space: The final frontier | Visit every star system in The Trench | Silver
Steady as she goes, Sulu | Navigate through an asteroid field unscathed | Bronze
This is not Klingon blood | Destroy 5 non-Klingon ships | Silver
Warp speed | Perform 5 warps as a Helmsman or Engineer | Silver
We're going down, or they are... | Destroy a ship using only torpedoes | Silver
Welcome to the crew, Ensign | Complete a task in the training scenario | Bronze
What it is to be human | Complete a mission as Human | Bronze
Where No One Has Gone Before | Complete an Ongoing Voyages mission | Silver