Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Bug Collector | Find all Ivory Bugs and bring them to the bunny florist. | 50
Don't even try this. | Finish a playthrough on "Insane" difficulty. | 150
Explorer | Complete 100% of the map. | 50
Faithful | Defeat Archpriestess Choir. | 100
Healthy! | Find all Vitality Fragments. | 100
Imperishable | Finish a playthrough without dying. | 150
P-pleasegiveittome! | Give a Dirty Shroom to an Imp girl. | 50
Pacifist | Finish a playthrough without killing any common enemies. | 150
Reverie Under the Moonlight | Completed all other achievements. | 50
True Ending | Watch the True Ending. | 150