There are two variants to attacking; those in Campaign mode missions and World Battle (player vs. player) mode. Both are similar, however some strategies have a better chance to give you a win. If you can no longer progress in Campaign mode, consider doing the side missions. Those contracts are divided into three difficulty categories. Do whichever you can repeatedly to accrue resources and experience for your ships. Always have the full number of ships while attacking. When you attack another human player, begin with high level ships. Do not allow your ships to get destroyed. If they do, buoys will be needed to restore them or they will be gone. You will earn one buoy for free every two hours. The maximum amount of buoys you can have on-hand is ten. Take the number of available buoys into account before attacking a human player. If you are at a disadvantage, retreat instead of losing ships. The most important ship when attacking is your King ship. It carries special powers and items. Keep it protected and activate its abilities and skills, including healing. If your main ship is destroyed, winning the battle will become very difficult. Consider flanking the enemy with the King ship or position that ship in a manner so its special attacks can do maximum damage. Focus on a single target at a time to destroy them individually. Use booster locations to gain extra defense or offense. When attacking, try keeping your own ships at the back of the grid at first. When the battle begins, place ships from your friends and allies at the top. It will not matter if they are destroyed in battle. The AI usually attacks the front ships first.