Follow the indicated steps to earn the corresponding Steam achievement. To view your achievement progress and stats, open the Steam client, select "Community", then search for the game hub for "N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure (PC)". Click the "View Stats" option in the drop down list, then select the option that displays the achievements for your account.
Achievement | How to unlock
Acceptance | Follow the light.
Anger | Exit the caves.
Bargain | Exit the forest.
Bringing everything together | Six fragments of a memory.
Cherish the past | Six fragments of a memory.
Completion Serenity | No puzzle left undone.
Denial | See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Depression | Exit the basement.
Do you remember these? | Six fragments of a memory.
Gnocchi Thursday | Lunch is served on Thursday.
I had forgotten so much | Six fragments of memory.
It's all coming back to me | A completed memento in the forest.
Journey Begins | Solve the first puzzle.
My First Memento | A fragment of a memory.
Opening the gates | Gain access to the large staircase.
Our Journey ends | Climb to the top.
Perfect memory | The pictures are complete.
Solaris Master | All the grids are blue now.
Sphere of Light | Become a light unto yourself
These are precious to me | A completed memento in the caves.
Timber! | Find a way to cross the canyon.
Together again | Go on sweetie, run to your father.
Treasure hunter | A completed memento in the desert.
Vivid recollection | A completed memento in the hospital.