Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Are You Not Entertained? | Win the INSANE unfair challenge | 110
Blueberried Blocker | Horatio or Hailey reach level 20 | 70
I said Horatio dies! | Defy the Narrator. | 25
I See Dead Pixies | Beat any team of Elites in the wild | 70
I've Seen Things | Someone reaches level 80 | 110
Karma for the King | Get Pip's Revenge | 25
Nothing Personal | Win an online versus battle in The Pit | 110
Plays Well With Brothers | Get a Quadra Kill | 70
Pocket Change | 19,999 Gold on-hand | 70
Seriously Serious | Successfully complete a full Quest series | 70
So Fast So Murderous | Run over 10 enemies using the wagon's nitro boost | 25
Something Switchy Going On | Find a secret area in any worldmap | 110
The Queen Will Be Pleased | Recruit 1 of every creature type | 110
Which seat should I take? | Get a full squad of 6 | 25