Search the indicated locations to find all eight text adventures. The text adventures are text-based puzzle mini-games that require you to complete different challenges.
Burns Hill
1. It is on the roof of the northern-most structure of the nuclear plant; the tower is not too far from a Data Cluster and Stomp Cluster.
2. It is on a platform near the water's edge above the bridge leading east from Ashwood.
3. Follow the bridge east, and look on an identical platform approximately halfway across to find it.
Port Pryor
4. It is on the stairs leading down to the water behind the casino.
Loren Square
5. Locate the large central bridge on the north side of Loren Square. Search the rooftops to the right of the street to find it.
Wesley Cutter International
6. Jump across the street from the maintenance buildings on the eastern edge of the airport to find it.
Rosen Oaks
7. Start at the center of the neighborhood, and go south down the center road until it splits. Go to the left, and look in the backyards of the houses to find it.
8. It is on the bridge to the National Guard base island. Look on the southern bridge to find it.