Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
10.0 From the Judges (20 points) | Do a triple jump.
5 Shots, 5 Kills (20 points) | Do 5 consecutive headshots without reloading or taking damage.
Charted (20 points) | Unlock the entire game map.
Complexity Theory (10 points) | Level up to experience level 10.
Fort Knox (20 points) | Collect all the gold bars.
From Alpha to Omega (10 points) | Complete the Omega Armor.
Gets Better With Age (50 points) | Complete the game with 8 Health Packs, 19 Grenade Packs, 20 Foam Packs and 9 Missile Packs.
Hee-ya! (20 points) | Knock back enemies 1000 meters total with melee attacks.
Hook, Line and Sinker (20 points) | Kill an enemy with the Hookshot.
Itsy Bitsy Spider (10 points) | Defeat a Spidertank by drowning it.
Let There Be Light (10 points) | Turn on your flashlight.
Mutually Deterrent (20 points) | Collect all the missile packs.
Old Dog, New Tricks (10 points) | Perform each type of melee attack: Dropkick, Hanging Takedown, Drop-down Takedown, Double Takedown.
Roller Coaster (10 points) | Take 20 rides on the mine cart.
Run, Forest! (30 points) | Run 10 kilometers total in hyperspeed.
Spam in a Can (20 points) | Defeat an XOS-1 Soldier with the Inertial Element.
Speedy Delivery (30 points) | Complete the final fight in less than 1 minute 30 seconds..
Surface Tension (20 points) | Collect all the foam canisters.
The Bigger They Are (20 points) | Defeat a Devastator with a foam grenade.
The Whole 9 Yards (20 points) | Kill 200 soldiers with a gun emplacement.
This Side To Enemy (20 points) | Collect all the grenade packs.
Unrestricted Access (20 points) | Collect all passkeys.