Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Attack Damage Carry | Attack Damage Carry | 60
Be known | All heroes reach Lv 5 | 20
Braving Wind and Waves | Complete mission 10x | 50
Excel the Predecessors | All heroes reach Lv 10 | 30
Fame Spreads | All heroes reach Lv 15 | 40
Fresh Meat | Defeat Butcher | 30
Hero | Finish missions and get 5 S-ratings | 60
Heros Never Yield | Fail mission 10x | 50
Hunting Ace | Finish missions and get 5 A-ratings | 40
King of the World | Defeat Steel Dragon | 20
Make an Impression | All heroes reach Lv 20 | 60
Master | Complete 12 C-Grade missions | 50
New Talent | Complete 5 D-Grade missions | 50
Rogue Knight | Sean reaches Lv 10 | 50
Sparkling eyes | Defeat Beholder | 30
Stop The Train | Defeat Gianyvern | 60
The Blacksmith Lolita | Dorrit reaches Lv 10 | 50
The Brave | Complete 10 B-Grade missions | 50
The Legend of Hunter King | Completion of all achievement | 80
The Rise of Apes | Defeat Lava Ape | 20
Violet | Violet reaches Lv 10 | 50
What a collection! | Own 3 Heroes | 50